I always wondered what happened to the body of Jesus after the Romans (conspiring with the Pharisees) tortured and crucified Jesus.

I am not suggesting that you believe in any of the possibilities. What you believe is up to you. However, anyone who is not narrow minded or gullible, should be aware of some of the possibilities, since there is no empirical evidence, nor any witnesses, that can verify the truth of any of the possibilities.

Here are some of the possibilities:

First, the least probable ones:

1. During the night, his body suffered Instantaneous Human Combustion. However, instantaneous human combustion always leaves ashes and some small fragments that were not completely burned. And there was no report of such ashes or fragments found in the shroud that was left behind. Therefore this was very improbable.

2. His molecules and atoms were converted into energy. This release of energy would have been enormous and would have caused a nuclear explosion that would have destroyed all of Judea. Therefore this could not have happened, according to the laws of physics.

3. During the night, his body miraculously healed it self. Then the huge stone, blocking the tomb, was magically or miraculously moved aside, the Roman soldiers guarding the tomb were put to sleep, and Jesus left for an unknown destination (heaven perhaps ? if there is a heaven). This requires religious belief in magical miracles that defies the laws of physics.

Now the more probable ones:

1. As described in the book "The Passover Plot", during the night, some of the conspirator of the Passover plot tried to revived Jesus, but could not because of the damaged caused by the spear that the Centurion shoved on the right side of Jesus. The spear probably damaged his liver, collapsed his right lung, and made him loose too much blood. Unable to revive him, they decided to removed the body, in order to bury it in a secret grave, so that they could claimed that he was resuscitated, but went to heaven.

2. Since the Romans were the ones guarding Jesus' tomb, it would have been easy for some Roman officials or soldiers, to enter the tomb and steel his body. I believe that some members of a secret Roman cult, stole the body. That secret cult, believed that eating some of Jesus flesh and drinking some of his blood was beneficial to them and they would be rewarded by their God (or Gods). Although that type of worship would favor the Ungod (the opposite polarity of God).

What a coincidence that one of the Catholic Religion rites, is the eating of a piece of bread that they believe is the body of Christ, and the priest drinks a wine that they believe is the blood of Christ.

Perhaps when the Catholic Religion was created, during emperor Constantine's rule, members of the secret cult advised them to incorporate such rite into the new Cristian religion that they were creating. A religion that would give them more control of peoples behavior. And through their invention of confessing to priests, they could spy on the behavior of their people.

When Geordano Bruno (Dominican friar) said that the communion bread might represent the body of Christ, but it was really just bread, and the wine was really just wine. He was tortured and burned alive.


The Passover Plot Book:
The Movie:

Geordano Bruno