Some scientists, because of a resent pollen study, believe that hemp
(marijuana) evolved about 28 millions years ago, on the eastern
Tibetan Plateau. Hemp still grows wild in certain areas of the
world. More than 4000 years ago Chinese farmers began to grow it for
oil, its nutritious seeds and leaves, and its fibers (needed to make
ropes, clothing and paper).
A study published in the Journal of Experimental Botany
(2008), indicates that the 2 pounds of the green plant material
found in a 2700 year old grave from the the Yanghai Tombs
(in the Gobi desert) is Cannabis. The Cannabis was in a wooden
container, well preserved due to the dryness of the Gobi desert. It
is believed that it was the grave of a shaman, who probably used the
Cannabis in a religious ritual and/or for personal consumption.
In India, some religions still use Cannabis for religious reasons.
It is believed that the Hindu God Shiva enjoyed Cannabis. The
ancient and modern devotees of Kali-Ma (Mother of Live and Death)
use Cannabis as part of their worship. Female goddesses were also
believed to be heavy users of Cannabis. Wikipedia has a page for Cannabis and Religion.
Many "early Christians" used Cannabis in their religious rituals.
However, Constantine (and most Romans) favored alcohol instead of
Cannabis. So they destroyed all the sects that used Cannabis. And
trying to keep their pagan traditions of sacrificing flesh and
blood, they created the myth that they (Roman Catholics)
could turn wine into the blood of Jesus, and transform bread into
Jesus flesh. It is possible (but rare) that some Roman soldiers were
the ones who stole the body of Jesus, so they could drink some of
his blood, and eat some of his flesh.
Bruno (Italian Dominican Friar, philosopher, mathematician,
poet, and cosmological theorist) was burned alive, by the Catholic
Church, because he believed that the bread used in catholic
communion, might represent Jesus' flesh, but it is really
just bread. He also believed that the wine, that the catholic
priests drink during catholic mass, might represent the
blood of Jesus, but it is just wine and not real blood. He also
believed that the stars were distant suns surrounded by their own
planets. And he also believed that the Universe is infinite and
could have no center (something that most astronomers do not yet
believe nor understand). He was obviously a genius, unjustly
tortured and burned by alcoholic drinking psychopaths, homosexual
pedophiles, and rapist idiots, that controlled the Inquisition
and probably hated cannabis users, or anyone who did not abused
alcohol, or did not believe in their indoctrinating bullshit.
Roman Catholics used to burn many women, as witches, if they were
suspected of using Cannabis for religious reasons or as a medicinal
Those persons, who erroneously believe that cannabis is not
medicine, have never learned the history of medicines. A book that
describes medicines, their formulas, and methods of preparation is
called a pharmacopoeia. And the oldest known pharmacopoeia is Shennong
Ben Cao Jing believed to have been written between 206 B.C.
and 220 A.D. And it lists cannabis as one of it's medicines.