(An Essay By Ivan Q.  2016. Revised on Nov. 2022)

I prefer to use the name cannabis when referring to the plants Cannabis Sativa, Cannabis Indica and Cannabis Ruderalis, instead of the vulgar demonizing name marijuana given to the hemp plant during the malicious prohibition propaganda of the twentieth century.

First, THE GOOD:

No other plant has as many US patents, about the treatment of so many different diseases, as Cannabis (Marijuana) has. Nor has any other plant been in as many medical studies or clinical trials.

If you did not read the patents and medical publications shown in the introduction, then I am repeating the links here:



The pharmaceutical companies are going to extract only some of the cannabinoids and create medicinal drugs such as Sativex (In use in 15 countries, including Germany, UK, Italy, and Spain to treat Multiple Sclerosis, & approved in another 17 countries). This might be OK, but they should NOT prevent us from having the option to eat, or smoke the leaves or flowers of the plant, since I believe that is the natural way to consume this medicinal plant.

The British called cannabis "hemp", imported most of it from India, and used it to make ropes, textiles, ship sails, paper, etc. As did the Spanish and other countries in Europe. In fact, the ropes and sails of the Spanish ships that discovered America (La niņa, La Pinta, &  the Santa Maria) all had sails made of hemp (marijuana). The oil from it's seeds was used in lamps, and was also used as food. Hemp seed oil has an excellent omega-3 / omega-6 ratio, and also has omega-9 fatty acids, and the seeds have all the essential amino acids (in vegetable proteins form).

Hemp (cannabis) seeds were brought to America by the British, it was grown in all the colonies. The Spanish also brought hemp seeds. And the Spanish started hemp plantations in Mexico.

During the 1990s and the first decade of this 21st century, the scientific community began to realized the great medicinal potential of this wonderful plant. And many countries and states are changing their laws to allow the medicinal use of this plant once again, after almost a century of malicious and false propaganda against this wonderful medicinal plant.

Cannabis can now be used for medical purpose in 39 states and Washington D.C. And 24 states, and Wash. D.C. have legalized it for recreational use. And 16 states have "decriminalized" it. It is only a matter of time, before the intelligent challenged or corrupted federal officials, responsible for Schedule I, remove cannabis from Schedule I. There are bills, introduced by some democrats and some republicans, pending votes by the Senate & House of Representative, that will make cannabis legal at the federal level. However, extreme conservatives (bigots), do all they can to kill these bills in committees, so that they don't make it to a full senate or house of reps. votes.

Cannabis can also be used for recreational purposes. I believe that in small amounts it increases our appreciation and enjoyment of art, music, movies, company of friends, social events, love making, etc. It has a relaxing effect and increases our sense of humor. Some users believe that it increases our religious faith.

The part of the brain that controls breathing and heart rate, has no CB1 or CB2 cannabinoid receptors. Therefore, unlike
alcohol, opiates, and other narcotics, we CAN NOT over dose (OD) from too much cannabis. NO ONE has ever died from consuming too much cannabis. However, we should always use moderation. Too much cannabis can put us in a mental/physical state called "stoned" (different than drunk). In such a state, we should stay home, not drive, nor do anything complicated or dangerous, just watch TV, listen to music, surf the Web, or have an interesting conversation with friends or relatives who might be in a similar state of mind. 


Because cannabis can makes us feel good. There is a "potential" for abuse and "psychological addiction". Also, depending on the amount consumed, our judgment can be impaired. There is a big difference between substance use and substance abuse. Unlike pain killing opiates and alcohol, Cannabis is NOT physically addictive (no withdrawal symptoms).

Cannabis is considered illegal by the federal government because it is a "schedule one" substance (FDA & DEA claim it has no medicinal use (Obviously a BIG LIE and it contradicts the US Patent Office)). And this is in violation of the 10th amendment of the US Constitution, since the constitution does not give, the federal government, the right to regulate what medicinal plant we can grow at home for our personal use, that is up to the states to decide.

The Supreme Court ruled that because the constitution gives the federal government the power to regulate "interstate commerce", it has the power to prohibit you from growing cannabis, in your home, for your own personal use, or using it if someone gives it to you. It is obvious that some of the supreme court justices have a different definition for "interstate" and "commerce" than the definition in the dictionaries. Or may be some of them are mentally challenged, or may be they have been bribed by those who will be financially affected (in a negative way) if cannabis is legalized (the Mafia, the Medical Industrial Complex, the tobacco industries, and the alcoholic beverages industries). They probably don't see it as bribes, they see it as following the advice of their political/financial supporters. When metaphorically they are pissing on the 10th amendment.

In the near future, when it becomes legal (at the Federal level) for recreational purposes, in my opinion, minors should still NOT use cannabis. It can affect their school grades, their personality and the way their brain develops. In college, once legal, you should NOT use it if your major is science related (i.e. Engineering, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, etc). If your major is Philosophy, Art, Music, Drama, or other liberal arts, it's probably OK to use it in moderation. But this is just my opinion, you should consult with your family and friends, and use your judgment. The effects (negative or positive) of cannabis use, while studying arts or science, needs to be studied. But this is not possible while the federal government continues to list it as a schedule one substance.

Adults who are not in school, should not be deprived of the happiness and good health this plant can provide (in moderation). And for those of us who are "retired" and feeling the aches,  pains, and illnesses of old age, this plant can provide us some relieve and joy in the last years of our life.

And to deprive the seriously ill or terminally ill, who needs this plant, the option of consuming it, it's immoral, inhumane, and evil. And I strongly believe this is a violation of our human rights and constitutional rights. And if you are a religious person, do you "really" think that God, who created this plant (through evolution, or intelligent design) would want to deprive an ill and suffering human from using this plant in order to reduce his suffering or maybe eliminate his illness? If your answer is yes, then your God is an evil god (the negative (evil) polarity of the Life Force (the Ungod), or the dark side of the force). Not a benevolent and compassionate God, who would want us to be healthy and happy. And your ethics and moral standards are perverted.


Because this plant is federally illegal (maliciously placed in schedule I by the ignorant, malicious and crooked president Nixon, and to add insult to injury, they placed schedule authority with the DEA and the Justice Department, instead of the NIH), those who need it (medically) or want to use it for pleasure, have to obtain it illegally (in some states), creating the following problems:

Law abiding citizen are forced to break the law, and associate with criminal elements.
  1. If these citizens are caught, they could become convicted felons and could loose their jobs. In some states they will loose their drivers license. If they are rich and have good lawyers, they probably will not go to jail. Otherwise, they might end up in jail, and start a new career as criminals.
  2. The money they pay for the illegal cannabis is not being taxed and can end up being used by criminals for other criminal enterprises.
  3. We can not be sure if we are really getting pure cannabis, or a mix of cannabis and some other drug.
  4. We could be exposed to, or offered, other drugs, truly dangerous and addictive ones.
  5. The cannabis bought illegally could be contaminated with fungi and/or bacteria.

Legalization eliminates the above problems.

For people who are sick or have a weak immune system, the illegal cannabis contamination problem is very serious. Illegal cannabis is smuggled in tight plastic bags, where the decaying plant provides a perfect environment for fungi and bacteria to grow.

Marijuana smoking and fungal contamination.
Microbiological contaminants of marijuana

Pathogens and microtoxins that can contaminate cannabis

Also, there are unscrupulous, inconsiderate, and greedy dealers who will mix cannabis with other (less expensive non-medical) plants and spray synthetic THC on the mix. This is NOT good, and dangerous to people who need cannabis for medical reasons.

Some dealers mix the cannabis with some very addictive drug (such as opiate pain killers) to ensure that you will get addicted and become a steady customer.

These problems can also be avoided with legalization and/or approval for medical use, since dispensaries test the cannabis to ensure that it is pure and not contaminated with bacteria, fungi, or other substances.

The DEA and some US attorneys continue to harass dispensaries, growers, and medical user of cannabis in states were it has been legalized for medical use. I guess it's easier for them to go after the legal users of this medicinal plant than to stop the real dangerous drugs like heroin, methamphetamine, and crack cocaine.

Another form of federal harassment is the fact that states, where Cannabis is now legal, are forced to do all their business in cash because banks claim that federal regulations do not allow them to handle money used in the "State Legal" cannabis businesses.

Now, I dare you to find a patent or medical study that shows that tobacco or alcohol can be used to treat an illness.

The damage caused by people who drink alcohol and drive it's in the millions of dollars and thousands of lives, every year. And yet alcohol is legal.

It is fact, not an opinion, that tobacco is more addictive that marijuana. And it is a fact that tobacco causes cancer in the lungs or throat of those who smoke it, and in the gums or tongue for those who chew it. And yet it is legal.

I am not saying that alcohol and tobacco should be illegal. I am against ANY prohibition. Each adult should decide what substances are good for him or her to consume and in what amount, NOT the government. The government should ONLY make recommendations, based on "scientific studies", not on the corrupting influence of special interest groups, misguided individuals, religious fanatics, cults, etc.

It is a moral hypocrisy to make cannabis illegal and alcohol and tobacco legal, when the scientific and statistical data shows that it should be the opposite.

The government could make billions of dollars by taxing legal cannabis. And could save billions of dollars in judicial costs, enforcement costs, and jail cost. New, tax paying jobs would be created (already proven by financial data from states where it is legal). Of course, not everybody will be happy, specially the drug cartels that are now bringing marijuana from Columbia and Mexico. But hey! If it becomes legal, they could become legal growers and exporters.


Attempts to correct SCHEDULE I.

Ending Federal Prohibition