There are 3 Cannabis plant species; Cannabis
Ruderalis, Cannabis Sativa, and Cannabis
Indica. And there are many hybrids. For hundreds of years
they were known as hemp (in the English
language). They were harvested in different countries, for
thousands of years, for different reasons. Their seeds, and oil
from their seeds, are very nutritious. Hemp (also known as
industrial hemp) is now legal to cultivate in the USA (after
decades of prohibition), and it is being used to make ropes,
textiles, paper, biodegradable plastics and foams. Industrial
hemp is cannabis that has less than 0.3 % of Delta-9 THC (The
cannabinoid that makes people high). During World War II, the
U.S. government made a propaganda film named "Hemp for Victory"
to encourage farmers to grow hemp. However it made no mention
that hemp was also known as marijuana (a demonizing name made
popular during the anti-cannabis campaign that began after
alcohol prohibition ended).
The medicinal properties of this wonderful and
miraculous plant are still being studied. However, there is
already overwhelming evidence of the many medicinal properties.
In this web page I am providing some of the evidence. In fact, I
believe that no other plant (or human produced chemical) has as
many medical patents as cannabis does.
However, if you do not believe me, then read some
of the overwhelming
evidence that I am presenting here. And what better
evidence, than medical patents, medical studies, and medical
journal publications.
Here is a link to a page dedicated to some of the many medical patents, where some of the cannabinoids (such as CBD, THC, CBG, and others) are used to treat different illnesses:And here is a link to a page dedicated to some of
the medical studies and medical journal publications: