Last revision: Aug. 15, 2024
I have noticed that a lot of people
use the words conservative and liberal without
really knowing what they mean.
Therefore, I thought, it would be proper if I clarify the
Most dictionaries define conservative as
"resistance to change" and "avoiding excess". This implies
that conservatives are against progress. A good
example of conservatives are the Amish who
seem to be stuck in the 17th century. Also, when republicans
increase military spending, they are NOT being conservative. A
true conservative does not spend more than he earns (or
collects in taxes). Therefore, when an administration
(Republican or Democrat) increases spending, they must
increase revenues. So it seems that political conservatism is
a hypocrisy,
used for convenience and to differentiate from liberals.
However, if conservatives are the opposite of liberals, and
liberals (by definition) are considered broad-minded, that
implies that conservatives are narrow-minded
However, do not feel insulted if you consider yourself
conservative. I believe that nobody is 100%
conservative nor 100% liberal. If fact, I believe that we are
conservative about some things (issues) and liberals about
other issues. I, myself, feel conservative about some issues,
but liberal about others.
Also, I have noticed that some right wing conservative believe
that liberals are left wing (socialist or communist). Not
true. There are left wing conservatives and right wing
liberals. Left or right wing inclination is not necessarily
connected to inclination to accept changes in culture or
political ideas.
Now let us examine the word liberal.
By definition, a liberal is someone who favors a
political philosophy of progress,
reform and
the protection of civil
liberties. Someone who is broad-minded.
I believe these are all good qualities, almost virtues. And
notice that the preamble to the US Constitution states that
one of the reasons for the constitution, is to "secure the
Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and to our Posterity" (See
the Preamble
if you don't remember). So this implies that those who wrote
the constitution were liberals. The conservatives wanted to
continue under British rule.
It is no coincidence that the words liberty and liberal
come from the same root (liber)
Therefore, after careful analysis of these two words, I am
proud to say that I consider myself a progressive constitutionalist
(More liberal than conservative, but a mix of both). And neither a Democrat nor a Republican,
since both parties seem to be too heavily influenced by
special interest groups such as: The Military Industrial
Complex, the Medical Industrial Complex, Wall Street, the
large insurance companies (too big to fail), the very large
banks (too big to fail), super PACs, etc.