If you feed carbohydrates, nitrogen and some micro-nutrients to the bacteria Xanthomonas Capestris, the waste product from that bacteria (what I would call the "shit" from the bacteria) can then be processed with isopropanol, ethanol, or acetone to separate the polysaccharides they call Xanthan Gum (but I prefer to call it "Baby Killer Gum"). It might be OK to use this Xanthan gum in cosmetic products and by the fracking industry (Hydraulic Fracturing). However, to use it in food, it's a terrible idea. Some food industries are starting to replace the more expensive (and less harmful) Guar Gum, Locust Bean Gum and Arabic Gum with this cheap and dangerous gum (Xanthan).

China & the US can use GMO corn, GMO soy, GMO wheat, whey (byproduct of cheese production), etc... to produce Xanthan gum. The FDA approved the use of Xanthan based on ONE study financed by a Xanthan producer. And that study was found to be inconclusive by the European Food Safety Authority. So why does the FDA (Fools & Dummies Administration) continue to allow the use of this laxative and necrotizing agent in our food?

All that the FDA has done is issue a warning, after 22 infants developed NEC (Necrotizing Enterocolitis). Of the 22 infants, 14 required surgery, and 7 of them died.

I wonder how many thousand senior adults (and perhaps children also) are just having occasional diarrhea and intestinal inflammation and don't know that it's because of the Xanthan gum in the food they are eating?

Xanthomonas Capestris, the bacteria used to make Xanthan Gum, is known to cause necrosis, gummosis and vascular parenchymatous diseases in leaves, stems and/or fruits. It causes black rot in cabbage, broccoli, kale, and other members of the Cruciferae plant family. The use of this dangerous bacteria to produce a food additive seems illogical to me.

I strongly recommend that all persons with sensitive intestines or those who have IBS, IBD, or Celiac should not eat any product containing Xanthan Gum in the ingredients.

Gellan Gum is also produced by bacterial fermentation and I believe it has the potential to cause harm to sensitive intestines. If you don't like diarrhea or intestinal inflammations, you should avoid it.

And may be you should consider avoiding the food additive "Carrageenan".

A good reminder of what happens when we use GMO bacteria to produce an edible substance, is the 1989 outbrake of Eosinophilia Myalgia Syndrome caused by a bacteria produced L-Triptophan.

Reference Links:

Late Onset of Necrotizing Enterocolitis On Infants following the use of Xanthan Gum (Journal of Pediatrics, August 2012)

Detailed article from "DAILY KOS" reguarding Xanthan Gum, it's manufacturing, and NEC reports  (Nov. 2012)

Eosinophilia Myalgia Syndrome
Want to know more about food additives?
Then you should read the following free eBook:

"Food Additives"  By: Chris Kresser

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