I truly believe, that it is better for everyone, if we are more
tolerant and less bigot like. A bigot is a person who
is intolerant of any opinions or beliefs
that are different from his/her own. We can avoid being a bigot, by
being more open minded and realize that other persons might
have some data (or knowledge) that we are unaware of, and therefore
have developed a different opinion or belief, than the one we have,
regarding a certain subject or matter. In fact, if we
respectfully, start a discussion (not a quarrel).
And try to find out, what data, knowledge, or event has caused the
two different opinions or beliefs, then one person or the other (or
both) might change their opinions or beliefs, in a peaceful and
respectful way, without prejudice, and without the anger or hate
that can be generated from a heated argument or a quarrel.
P.S. Thank you I.F., for noticing where I erroneously used the verb
version of a word, instead of the noun version. It has been