I classify parents (mothers and fathers) as two main types: Biological Parents and Loving Parents.

BIOLOGICAL MOTHER: The woman, who in her womb, one of her fertilized eggs developed into a baby that she gave birth to.

LOVING MOTHER: The woman who truly loves the child, and accepts the responsibilities of motherhood (she does not have to be the biological mother).

BIOLOGICAL FATHER: The man from whom, the sperm that fertilized the egg, came from.

LOVING FATHER: The man who truly loves the baby, and accepts the responsibilities of fatherhood.

For those who like modern logic or set theory, here is a diagram of the sets I am about to discuss.

Let's define the acronyms first:
LM = Loving Mother
BM = Biological Mother
BLM = Biological and Loving Mother
LF  = Loving Father
BF  = Biological Father
BLF = Biological and Loving Father

Possible Logical Combinations:
  Mother | Father
   BLM     | BLF
   BLM     | BF
   BLM     | LF
   BM       | BLF
   BM       | BF
   BM       | LF
   LM       | BLF
   LM       | BF
   LM       | LF

In the case of a single loving-parent: If it is a woman, then she must accept some of the responsibilities of fatherhood and all the responsibilities of motherhood. If it is a man, he must accept some of the responsibilities of motherhood and all the responsibilities of fatherhood.

It is easy to know who the biological mother is. She was the one who gave birth to the baby. However, due to infidelities, the real biological father is not always known, for sure, unless a complete DNA comparison of mother, father, and baby are analyzed.

Biological motherhood can be difficult, the mother must eat the proper diet, and take the necessary vitamins, and not consume any narcotics (alcohol, nicotine, drugs, etc), during the nine months of pregnancy. Culminating in the painful process of giving birth.

Biological fatherhood is easy. He just has to have coitus with the mother to be. Any animal can be a biological father.

Ideally, the biological parents are also the loving-parents. However, since there are so many different possibilities, that is not always the case. In reality, the "loving-mother" can be a stepmother, a grandmother, an aunt, a godmother, an adopting mother, or a legal guardian. And the "loving-father" can be; a stepfather, an uncle, a grandfather, an adopting father, a godfather, a legal guardian, or a father who is married to the biological mother and believes that he is the biological father, not knowing that his wife had coitus with other men, while she was married to him. 

To be a loving-parent is more difficult than just being a biological parent. The loving-parent must love the child, care for him or her, ensure that he/she gets a good education, eats a healthy diet, stays in good health. Try (if economically possible) that he/she has his/her own room, furnished with his/her bed, a small desk, a comfortable chair, a small book shelf with some educational books and some entertaining books (magazines, comics, etc), and some toys.

In my opinion, a loving parent should be honest when answering questions asked by his/her child. Smart children, who catch their parents lying, might get the notion that everyone lies most of the time.