I define "wBook" as a book made available on the World Wide Web
(a.k.a. Internet). Unlike eBooks or iBooks. wBooks are NOT
encrypted, nor stored in hidden folders. And special eBook
readers or iPhones or iPads are not required to read wBooks.
Instead, wBooks should be written in HTML (Hyper Text Markup
Language), the language interpreted by all browsers. So anyone
can read then, on any computer (running any OS)
or on any smart phone that has a browser.
To read these wBooks, select one of the following covers:

Because they are in HTML format, you should be
able to change the size and color of the letters, and background
wBooks can be written
to share certain knowledge, wisdom, or beliefs that should be
shared for the benefit of those who will read it. And perhaps,
to the benefit of humanity. Or they can be written to entertain,
or what ever.
And unlike printed books, wBooks can contain animations, sounds,
and videos. And we can also create an audio version of it (in
mp3 or wave format).
Since they are so easy to enhance, or make changes to it, I have
now decided that it would be best to use Revision numbers, or
Version numbers instead of Editions.