Prior to discussing evolution vs. revolution, I must properly define
these words.
EVOLUTION: A process by which something
changes to a different form, usually; a more
advanced, or more efficient, or more
appropriate for a change in it's environment or it's use.
1. The overthrow of a government by those who are governed.
2. An extreme change in ways of behaving or thinking.
When I mention evolution, most people think that I am referring to
the "biological evolution" that Darwin describes in "The
Origin of Species". And historians seem to avoid using the word
evolution, in favor of using revolution. They write about the
"Industrial Revolution" or "Cultural Revolutions", and never mention
"Cultural Evolution" or "Industrial Evolution". In reality,
revolutions are rare and usually are political or governmental. The
norm is evolution.
Almost everything, created by nature or humans, evolves. And
this is a fact, not a theory. Writing instruments (pens,
pencils) have evolved. Engines have evolved (steam engines ->
internal combustion engines -> electric engines -> hybrid
engines). Telephones continue to evolved. Computers continue to
evolve. etc...
In fact, if governments are allowed to evolve (democratically), they
can avoid revolutions.