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I am not a professional writer. Therefore, I am keeping the format of this book, simple. I do not have an editor or proofreader. Therefore, the grammatical style might not be excellent, but what is really important is the content of the wBook, not the format or style of the wBook. I am not trying to impress anyone, nor am I writing it for profit or fame. That is why I am making it available as a wBook. Feel free to make copies of it, and distribute them to friends or family members. And you may post it on any website. But, please do not modify it.

What is a wBook?  I define a wBook as a book written in the language of the World Wide Web (a.k.a. the Internet). That language is HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language). We can read it in any computer (or smart phone) that has a browser. Or you can print it, if you prefer to read it on paper. However, using a browser you can control the size and color of the letters and the background color. A wBook does not need page numbers, since it is one continuous HTML file.

The image, I use to simulate a book cover, is a symbolic representation of the polarized Life Force.

I used white letters, on black background, because it causes less stress on the eyes, than black letters on white background when reading on a computer display screen.


The “Material Universe” exist thanks to the following five fundamental universal forces; the strong nuclear force, the weak nuclear force, the electromagnetic force, the gravitational force, and the thermal force. Scientists have proven the existence of these five forces. And we have scientific instruments that can be used to detect and measure such forces. And we also have mathematical equations that describe properties and relationships of the five forces. The first four forces rely on polarities to apply a force that attracts or repels. We use the names (and symbols) positive (+) and negative (-) to indicate the opposing polarities of the electromagnetic force and the nuclear forces. The gravitational force seems to be an exception. But it is not, if we consider the kinetic force of moving matter, as the opposite polarity to gravity. If fact, the reason that moons are in orbit around planets, and planets around their stars, is due to the temporary equilibrium of two opposing forces; gravity (as centripetal force) that is attracting, and the kinetic force (as centrifugal force) of the orbiting object, that is opposing the gravitational attraction.The thermal force is a special case, not involved in attracting or repealing matter, instead it affects the movement of atoms and molecules, enabling matter to change states (solid, liquid, or gas).

I believe that there is another universal force, that I define as the Life Force. However, we do not have any instruments that can detect or measure this Life Force, nor any equations for such a force (yet). I believe that a certain amount of this Life Force is inside every living thing. The Life Force also has polarity, except that these polarities do not exert an attractive or repelling force on matter. Instead, the polarities manifest them selves as something that is beneficial, or something that is harmful, to living things, depending on the polarity.

Perhaps, what we call the human soul or spirit is made of this life force.

Since these opposite polarities of the Life Force have opposing qualities, it is best if we treat then as two opposing forces. And I am giving them the following descriptive names: The Divine (positive) Force and The Evil (negative) Force.


I believe that when a human commits an evil act or feels an evil emotion, the polarity of the live force becomes more negative (evil), and less positive.

You can look up the dictionary definition for evil, if you desire. However, I believe that those definitions are too simple and biased by our culture and religion. Let me define evil from a Universal frame of reference and Nature's frame of reference and not just as a human morality or ethical issue. Also, notice that I differentiate between the evil that is done and the evil that is felt.

An "Evil Act", is something that is “done” (executed) by an intelligent life form, and causes the physical and/or emotional harm and/or suffering of another intelligent life form. The life form can be any animal that has a brain, and therefore is capable of feeling pain and suffering. And if the life form is human, then "financial harm" must also be consider, since financial harm can cause emotional suffering.

An "Evil Emotion" is a strong feeling or state of mind that tempt us, or motivates us, to commit an evil act. Some examples of such evil emotions (or states of mind) are; hate, anger, rage, lust, delusion, greed, jealousy and ignorance.

An evil act, or an evil emotion, can be considered a Negative Life Force Generator (NG), because it increases the negative (evil) polarity of the life force of the individual that is doing the evil act or feeling the evil emotion. The glossary, at the end of this book, has what I consider to be, the proper definitions for many NGs, such as; anger, addiction, abuse, arrogance, delusion, dishonesty, envy, fear, greed, hate, ignorance, jealousy, and lust.

Evil acts can be classified as four main types; Malicious Evils, Accidental Evils, Necessary Evils, and Unnecessary Evils.


When an evil act is done with malice, I call it a malicious evil. This is the worst type of evil act. It is the type of act that has no reasonable justification. Some of the motivators or catalyst to such acts are usually one or more evil emotions. They can be considered minor if they cause only minor emotional harm, such as lying on purpose, knowing that it will hurt someone emotionally. Or more serious, such as malicious physical or verbal abuse. Or they could be major evil events such as premeditated murder, violent rapes, physical torture, or setting an innocent person or animal on fire.


I define accidental evils as events where a human (or animal) was hurt or killed because of an accident, but that accident could have been prevented if the person who caused the accident had not been negligent due to one or more evil emotions (example:  ignorance, delusion, greed, substance abuse).

For example: If you do NOT know that your driving abilities are impaired by alcohol or cell phone texting, you are being delusional and ignorant. Therefore, if you drive while under the influence of alcohol, or while texting, and then get into an accident where someone gets hurt. You have committed an accidental evil (motivated by delusion and ignorance).

There are accidents where there is NO evil involved. Such as those caused by mechanical failures, material defects, weather conditions, etc. However, if the mechanical failure was caused by a defect hidden by the "greed" of the manufacturer, then the manufacturer is guilty of an accidental evil.


I define necessary evils, as those evil acts committed in order to prevent a "greater evil" from happening. This is the most difficult evil to understand, because sometimes, what seems like a necessary evil, is actually an unnecessary evil. Again, some examples are possibly the best way to clarify the issue.

Self defense is a necessary evil. When we are physically attacked, we are justified in hurting the attacker, because survival is an animal instinct and a legal right. However, we should show restrain, if possible, by not using excessive force.

War, is considered by some, as a necessary evil. However, I think that is not always true. I see some wars as necessary evils and justified, but not all wars are necessary. As always, we have to consider the motives and consequences, before we can judge the evilness of a particular war. Within wars, in all the armies, there are always certain evil individuals (usually a small minority) who see it as an opportunity to do evil things (rape, murder by friendly fire, murder of innocent noncombatant civilians, unnecessary torture, profiteering, etc). These evil doers are usually psychopaths or sociopaths, who have a very negative life force and therefore are incapable of feeling guilt, compassion, or empathy. And there are some individuals (heroes) who have a very positive life force and see war as an opportunity to do heroic things and save or protect the life of others. Some see war as a way to reduce the population (thinning the herd), a necessary evil, since human over population can be detrimental to the ecological balance of planet Earth. And some see war as a money making opportunity (fueled by greed and selfishness). If a war is caused by evil emotions, then it is NOT a necessary evil.

Another good example, is the killing of animals. If we do it for our survival, or to end the suffering of an injured animal that can not be cured, or if we do it to thin an over populated herd, then it's a necessary evil and can be justified. However, if the killing is motivated by evil emotions (such as the vanity or selfishness of a hunter, or the greed of a poacher) then it is NOT a necessary evil. Instead, it is an unnecessary evil.


Any evil that is not malicious, accidental, or necessary, falls into the unnecessary evils category.


The positive polarity of the life force, being the opposite polarity to the negative (evil) life force, can be called the “Divine Life Force” or the “Constructive Life Force”.

When we prevent (or stop) the physical or emotional harm, or suffering of a human or animal. Or when we provide security, protection, or comfort (physical or emotional) for a human or animal, we are committing an act of goodness (or a divine act). If such an act is at the risk of our own security or comfort (physical, emotional, or financial), then it is even more divine.

There are certain human virtues, that can motivate us, to do divine acts of goodness, or to prevent evil act or evil emotions. I call this virtues, Positive Generators (PGs). Because, I believe that, they can generate (or increase) the positive polarity of the life force within us. And make us a better person, from the moral, ethical, and social frames of reference.

Among the most common PGs, are (in alphabetical order); altruism, courage, compassion, empathy, forgiveness, generosity, gratitude, honesty, love, serenity, sympathy, understanding, and wisdom.

My definitions for the above PGs can be found in the glossary at the end of this book. Definitions that are not identical, but are similar, to what you might find in a dictionary.


When I started to write this book, I was determined not to mention God. Because this is not a book about religion. However, how can I write about good and evil, without any reference to god.

There are more than one thousand religions. And they all have different ideas about God.

There was a time, when some religions believed that there were many gods. Therefore, they created names for their many gods. Although they had no evidence that such gods existed. They were products of someone’s imagination, and became religious mythical entities, because people, back then, were more gullible that they are today. Although there are still a lot of gullible people, at this time in human history.

Some religions, that claim that there is only one god, also claim to know the proper and unique name of that god. However, if there is only one god, why would he, she, or it, need a name. Names are a human invention, created to differentiate between individuals, and between different things. And why would that name be in a sound-based language, where words (including names) are just patterns of sound waves with specific frequencies and amplitude variations, representative of a particular human spoken language.

Some cultures were more respectful, and referred to God as: “The spirit in the sky”, or “He who has no name”. Although it should have been “It who has no name”. Because if God is a force (spiritual, non-material), then it has no gender.

Let’s be honest, and not delusional. The “nature of God” is beyond human understanding. How egotistical of some humans, to think that God has human form. And how egotistical of men to say that God is a he and not a she or an it. God has to be a force, if it is eternal, infinite, and preceded matter. Perhaps the fundamental forces, that makes the material universe possible, are manifestations (or variations) of the God force. Or, may be, God created the fundamental polarized forces, in order to create the material universe.

Evolution is controlled by the Life Force (part of God) that is in everything that is alive. The characteristics, of each life form are controlled by the DNA (DeoxyriboNucleic Acid) inside each cell. DNA code (cell instructions, algorithms, etc) are written using four nucleobases; Cytosine, Thymine, Adenine, and Guanine. If we take the first letters of the 4 names, that we gave these nucleobases, we get C, T, A, & G. We can consider this, as the alphabet of the DNA language. We have learned how to splice sequences of those nucleobases. However, we don’t have a good understanding, yet, of the syntax and semantics of that language. That cellular chemical language, is too complex to have being created by chance (my belief). Therefore, there must have been some super intelligence that helped create it. Not the type of intelligence used by our human brains, but a pure spiritual intelligence that preceded the creation of life forms on this planet (Was it God’s intelligence? Or something else?). I am not denying that natural selection and random mutations affect evolution, that theory is supported by a lot of scientific data. However, there are many things that can cause cell mutations. Evolutionary changes are not always caused by random mutations and natural selection.

A small part of God is in each living thing. This is how God is able to see all that we see, hear all that we hear, feel all that we feel. This implies that there is no need for catholic confession. Because God knows what we do, and why we do it. And I believe that the best way to obtain forgiveness, for some transgression, that we might have committed, is to make amends and ask for forgiveness from anyone that we believe might have been hurt by our transgression. However, we might be unaware that something we did was a transgression, specially if there was no physical harm, no malicious intent, and the alleged victim feels emotionally (not physically) hurt many years after the alleged transgression occurred, perhaps because he (or she) now has a corrupted (modified or false) memory of the occurrence (verbal or physical). Or the alleged victim has changed his/her social or moral values, or has changed his/her religion.

I believe that the Universal God is beyond human understanding. However, I consider the positive polarity of the Life Force as a planetary God. And the negative polarity as a planetary UnGod (the opposite of God).

As is usually the case, with many metaphysical and philosophical questions, it’s a matter of beliefs and faith, until science can generate acceptable answers.


The real (physical) angels, are among us. They are persons who have a lot of the divine (positive) life force in them. They are willing to sacrifice some of their time, their safety, or some material possessions, in order to help another person (family, friend, or stranger). They are usually honest, humble, lacking vanity and greed. Some of these angels are willing to sacrifice their lives in order to save someone else. Many of them do not know that they are angels, they see themselves as ordinary persons, who just happen to care for, and love, other persons, and some times care for and/or love other animals (beside homo sapiens).

If there are spiritual (non-material) angels, they are not visible, since they are not material. Anyone that claims to have seen a spiritual angel, in the form of a human with wings, must have been hallucinating or was lying. Why would a spiritual angel need wings? A non-material (spiritual) entity has no mass, therefore it is not affected by gravity, and has no need of wings to move in the atmosphere (or in space). Also, there is no evidence, nor any testimony of two or more persons, claiming simultaneous sighting of a human with wings. We must not confuse hallucination with reality.

There are some very special individuals, that instead of helping one or a few persons, they help many persons, directly or indirectly, and have had world influence. These divine persons, whose divine life force must have been enormous and very positive, can be considered saints. After their deaths, they continue to have a positive influence on humans. Three good examples of this type of divine persons, are; Jesus of Nazareth, Saint Francis, and Siddhartha (Buddha). And I am sure there are many others, but that is beyond the scope of this book.


The real (physical) demons are also among us. They are persons who have accumulated a lot of negative (evil) life force. Or the polarity of their life force is very negative. They are usually dishonest and lack empathy, sympathy, patience, and other virtues, they usually feel no guilt about lying or hurting others. The more evil things they do, the more evil force they accumulate. Or the polarity of the life force they have, becomes very negative. They can start with verbal abuse, then move on to physical abuse. Sometimes they reach a state of mind (and spirit), such that they can actually enjoy violet rapes, torture, or murder.

Sometimes it is difficult to tell the angels from the demons, because physical appearance is not necessarily related to the goodness or evilness of an individual, and because good people sometimes do bad things. And bad people sometimes do good deeds. Also, some evil persons pretend to be good and very religious, when in fact they are capable, and willing, to do evil things.

Here are a few good examples (from true stories) of real demons:

1. Some catholic priests, who have taken a vow of celibacy, but have sexual acts with innocent minors. If they lack the will power to avoid doing evil deeds, then they should not be priests.

2. Parents who murder one or more of their children, without just cause, or not in self defense.

3. A child, or adult, who murder his (or her) father or mother, without just cause, or not in self defense.

4. Greedy doctors who fake MRI results in order to make patients take chemotherapy, when such patients have no cancer and no need for any chemotherapy.

5. Any religious fanatic willing to kill, or torture, anyone who does not have the same religious beliefs that they have.

6. Any doctor, or health providing entity, that hides the fact that a person, in their care, has a certain illness. Depriving that patient of a treatment or cure, for reasons such as; a secret study to learn the progression of a particular disease, or to decrease the longevity of the patient, or because they are being paid to do so.

These demons looked like ordinary everyday people, not some ugly deformed imaginary creature from some imaginary underground hell.

It is up to us, to decide if we want to be angels or demons. Although, some people believe (and it might be possible) that some babies are born with a life force more negative than positive. However, I believe that good loving parents can alter the life force and the mind, in their children, helping them to become more positive (angel like). But beware, parents with negative life force can turn innocent children into potential demons.


We really don’t know. However, we can speculate about some of the possibilities. It is possible that our life force dissipates into the atmosphere, the positive life force to be absorbed by those doing positive things, and the negative force to be absorbed by those doing negative things. It is also possible that our life force stays together, as an entity (spirit). The memories, that were kept in the brain that is no longer functioning, are lost when we die. However, recent scientific studies (done on yellow slime) have proven that there are some forms of memory and intelligence that do not require a brain. I can it non-cerebral intelligence & non-cerebral memory. Therefore it is possible that if there is a spirit, it might keep some form of memory of the "feelings" it experienced in it's previous life.

That spirit (life force entity) might go to some unknown place, or might become part of a new life form. The new life form might not be a human, it might be any life form of this planet. May be, God picks the life form we will occupy, depending on the amount of positive life force we have accumulated during our life time. Or, may be, it’s just a random occurrence.



It seems that animals (thru evolution (or divine design)) have developed anger as a defense mechanism, it prepares their brain, cardiovascular system and muscles, for a quick escape or to confront a predator that might want to eat them. However, "civilized homo sapiens" (that's us) rarely need this mechanism and should reserve it for those rare instances when intelligence and civilized behavior fails us. We should learn to manage or control our anger so that it does not turn into rage. Also, some of the chemicals released into our blood, when we feel anger, can be addictive, making us more likely (subconsciously) to become angry again.

Addiction is an abnormally strong craving. Addictions can be psychological and/or physical. The most common addictions (and usually the most harmful) are caused by narcotics such as nicotine, alcohol, opiates (heroin, morphine), cocaine, amphetamines, barbiturates, etc. However, any chemical or habit that makes us feel good, or changes our state of mind, can be addictive. Addiction to narcotics can lead to substance abuse, and substance abuse can kill (via over dose), or cause serious health and/or mental problems. Addiction to non-narcotics like sugar, high fructose corn syrup and saturated fats, can also lead to substance abuse and create obesity and/or diabetes and/or cardiovascular problems.

Abuse is when we do or use something wrongly, improperly, or excessively. Personal abuse can be physical or verbal, toward one or more persons (or animals). Verbal abuse does not cause physical harm. However it can cause emotional and/or psychological harm. Abuse is usually triggered by one of the other NGs such as lust, envy, hate, rage, ignorance, or addiction. Substance abuse is usually self inflicted. However, if the substance being abused is a narcotic that decreases the mental abilities of the abuser, then the abuser will be more vulnerable to the other NGs. The christian deadly sin of gluttony is a form of substance abuse, where the substance happens to be food.

Arrogance and vanity are excessive pride without humility. It is when love or likeness for one's self is perverted into hate for others. I believe that there is nothing wrong with being proud about our behavior and/or accomplishments in school, at work, or in sports. Nor is it wrong to be proud of the accomplishment of a friend or family member. But we should not let our pride turn into vanity or arrogance.

A delusion is an erroneous (or false) belief that is held in the face of evidence to the contrary. Notice that the Catholic church does not include delusion or ignorance in the "deadly sins". That is probably because history has proven that they sometimes choose delusion and ignorance over science and the truth (example: Galileo, Copernicus, Giordano Bruno, Darwin).

Dishonesty can be generated by greed, selfishness, ignorance, lust, or other NGs. However, dishonesty can in turn generate a lot of different evils such as: infidelity, deceit, treachery, crookedness, corruption, cheating, stealing, lying, fraud, perjury, treason, deception, hypocrisy, etc. Dishonest persons can not be trusted.

Envy is a feeling of grudging admiration, spite, and resentment towards someone who has some material possessions, fame, or success, that we would like to have.

Fear is not necessarily an evil emotion. In fact, fear can sometimes provide a warning or defense mechanism. Fear of something dangerous can sometimes prevent evil (and harmful) things from happening. However, fear of the unknown, or of things we don't understand, can trigger an NG such as delusion, ignorance, or hate. Fear can sometimes escalate into panic, and panic can lead to irrational behavior.

Greed and avarice are an excessive desire to acquire a lot more material wealth than we need or deserve. We could also say that greed is a lust for wealth. Large greedy corporations (or greedy business owners) can create inflation that can cause financial harm to working individuals, and their families, specially if those families are not millionaires or billionaires. Anyone who thinks that greed and avarice are good attributes, is obviously under the influence of the Ungod and has more negative life force than positive live force. 

Hate is defined as the emotion of intense dislike or ill will toward a person or thing. Sometimes, avoiding persons or things we dislike, we are able to inhibit the formation of hate. We should not escalate a dislike into hate, since hate can generate anger or rage, and that can lead to violence.

Ignorance is defined as the lack of knowledge, education, or experience. However, it is sometimes used to indicate delusion. For example, we sometimes say that someone is ignorant because they ignore (disregard, refuse to acknowledge, or pay no attention to) a proven fact, a common knowledge, or something that is obvious.

Jealousy is a form of envy, usually a resentful suspicion and envy triggered by rivalry or suspected romantic misbehavior. Jealousy can trigger other NGs, such as anger or rage.

I define lust as an excessive ,or very strong, desire for something that we believe will give us pleasure or make us happy (such as sex, power, or narcotics), ignoring the virtues of moderation and self control. In fact, we can say that addicts have a lust for whatever substance or habit they are addicted to. And gluttony can be described as an uncontrollable lust or craving for food, leading to substance abuse.

is defined as a feeling of intense or extreme anger. This emotion and state of mind, increases the levels of certain chemicals and hormones in our brain and blood, such as cortisol, epinephrine, estrogen, testosterone, serotonin and dopamine. Some of these chemicals are addictive and detrimental to our well being if their levels are above normal. So we can assume that people who get angry frequently, have become addicted to some of these chemicals. In the emotional state of rage, we are more likely to follow animal instincts instead of logic and reasoning. Therefore, rage can lead to unreasonable and illogical violence (evil acts).

is the intolerance, of a prejudice person, to accept or consider any opinion that is different from his or her own. Bigotry can turn a friendly argument, or discussion, into a quarrel.

is the prejudice of members of one race, who believe that they are superior to members of a different race. Racism can be a trigger for other EGs, such as hate.


Altruism is unselfish concern for the welfare or well-being of others. This is one of the virtues of heroes. This virtue is what makes it possible for a soldier to jump on top of a grenade that is about to explode, in order to save the lives of other soldiers around him.

Courage is the emotion that enable us to overcome our fears. It is thanks to courage that we able to do things that we fear but feel we should do, even if they might hurt us physically, emotionally or financially.

Compassion is the humane quality (and virtue) of understanding the suffering of others, and feeling the need to do something about it. It is one of the virtues that turned homo sapiens into humans, instead of just intelligent savage animals.


is the ability to feel, share, or understand the feelings, emotions, or thoughts of another person or animal. One of the reasons why dogs and humans can develop strong affection toward each other, is because humans and dogs have a lot of empathy toward each other.


Forgiveness is the act of excusing an error, mistake, or offense, without thinking of revenge or holding a grudge. Remember the old saying "To err is human, to forgive is divine".


Generosity is the willingness to give away some of our money, time, possessions, or knowledge, in order to benefit someone else. Persons who are generous are usually unselfish and not greedy.

Gratitude is a feeling of thankfulness and appreciation. We should show (demonstrate) the gratitude that we feel, by telling the person who did the good deed, that we really appreciate what he (or she) did and that we thank him (or her) for it.

Honesty is truly a divine virtue. An honest person is not willing (or disposed) to cheat, lie, steal, defraud, or deceit anyone. An honest person is less likely to commit perjury, treason, or infidelities. It is so rare to find truly honest individuals, perhaps because the NGs of greed, selfishness, lust, and ignorance are always tempting them to be dishonest.

Love is a strong feeling of regard, affection and attraction. There are many types of love. There is parental love, romantic love, brotherly love, etc. Love can generate other PGs, because when we truly love someone, it is easier to be patient, forgiving, tolerant, honest, and generous towards them.

Serenity is the absence of mental stress and anxiety. To be serene is to be cool, composed, content, undisturbed, comfortable, patient, calm. Those who are fortunate to be able to feel serenity, know how good it feels, and how it shields us from anxieties, fears, hate, anger, and other NGs.

Sympathy is similar to empathy, but not as profound or broad. And usually implies sharing (or understanding) a feeling of sorrow or anguish. Sympathy can be a trigger for compassion.

understand is to know or comprehend, with the help of rationalization, logical deductions, inferences, or common sense.

I define
wisdom as the ability to use knowledge, experience, and perhaps some intuition (or divine guidance) to make rational and logical decisions, or to judge new knowledge being acquired or analyzed.

Finally, a civilize & wise advice, try to be more positive and less negative. It will be better for everyone, including your self.